Blooming and Bold

Without the buzzards and bees

Where would we bee?

A blog by Nicolle Kuna

A blog about sustainable landscaping and some eco-humour and eco-creativity.

Inside this blog we look at everything that is encroaching in to our natural urban landscapes – outdoor rooms (errchkem), weeds, urban noise, excess nutrientsThere’s a bit of art to add extra colour and inspiration. We believe in making sustainability fun - more gaming, less shaming.

Also see website on social marketing for greenies

To contact us – go to the contact us page as the contact facility on this blog has been giving us mischief.

Attribution for above garden design goes to

Andrew Jones, talented artist and designer.

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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Roof garden on chook shed is progressing .. See blog 28/6/11

Roof garden on Chook Shed cost less than AUD $100
Planted in 3 cm of substratum, instead of the standard 5cm plus

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Green The Film

When building an Outdoor Room, ask yourself where is your timber coming from -  watch before you decide to use timber from native forests overseas.  As you lounge in your outdoor setting, the lovely orang-utans are languishing and perishing.  

Q,R, S, T, U, V etc Sustainability Alphabet Soup

Decided to refer to this as a Sustainability alphabet soup.  Dot-points. We greenies have a tendency to be too long-winded in what we say!  A person designing their Outdoor Room or Garden can mull over this alphabet soup before making any decisions.  

Q is for ...... err .... Queen Elizabeth, and her family who are avid produce gardeners
R is for Resources -  always check the Source, Rainforest source (A big no no), Reclaimed or recycled source, Roof Gardens.
S is for Soil erosion and Salinity, Shade Trees, Stormwater discharge and the impacts
T is for Top-soil (all the vital living beings within it) and Towns in Transition (Totnes, UK!)
U is for Urban Heat Island Effect
V is for Vertical Gardening (Produce, Ornamental, air-cooling, indoor or outdoors, horticultural therapy)
W is for WSUD (water sensitive urban design), Wind-breaks, Waste (from building works), Worm wee, and Worms.
X  is for ....  err ... help.  
Y is for ... Yard ...  have to come back to that one, too.
Z is for Zoning in the garden eg hydrozoning, plant-stacking (shade for plants)

Thursday, 3 November 2011

J, K, L, M, N, 0, P ... sustainability alphabet

J is Juice, Jams/chutneys from your produce patch or balcony
K is for kool kid-friendly kitchen gardens
L is for Leacheate (Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), herbicides, timber finishes, chemical pesticides, high nutrient fertilisers, vehicle residues etc)
M is for Merbau/Kwila and other habitat significant exotic timber species (to be avoided!)
N is for Native Hedging and native formal design (Oui ... c'est tres possible)
O is for Organic fertiliser, Organic soil, Orangutans ('Orrible Merbau decking!).
P is for Pollination,  Pebbles and Paving (glare/heat factor, active waterway source:?) and Perfectly 'ppropriate Permeable Surfaces (permeable paving, porous concrete etc).

Readers feel free to add more in the comment box.  Merci beaucoup.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011