On the topic of the real outdoors, I thought I would share what are some topics we can google, doodle or brood upon.
Now the first ones to be doodled over are:
Habitat Plantings/Bog Gardens/ Exotics - Natives - Indigenous Plants
These all are supportive of biodiversity and thus wild-life conservation.
Productive Planting
Try fruit trees on your nature strip, provided there's not alot of pollution on your street. Vegie plants can look artistic interspersed with sedums, marigolds, echiums, and plants with mixed colours and foliage. Never forget your companion planting guide. Sustainable Gardening Australia's website and booklets for sale, are very useful for this topic. Also, check out Van Leuwen Green's website - talk about a wonderland vegie garden.
Raingardens, Wetlands, Swales, Buffer Strips (in addition to Rain Water Tanks)
These all act as stormwater purifiers or water diverters so these can occur.
Permeable Paving Surfaces
Stepping stones, ground covers, crazy and random paving, Lilydale or Dromana topping (fine gravelly surface which does need topping up) plus commercially made permeable surfaces which can support car-parks, driveways and general pedestrian areas. These divert 'stinky stormwater' away from the drains and the house and also perform a filtering role too.
Roof Gardens and Vertical Walls
On a previous posting I mentioned putting in a roof garden on my small chicken shed, as experimentation. I am going to have to do some more work and not to worry, as nothing will be wasted ... err... the weed mat can be used in the garden, and I will replace it with a more effective filter layer. I will also need to attach another waterproofing layer. You cannot neglect the waterproofing on a green roof. The poor chook doesn't like the plip plopping drips in front of her nesting box ... no sirree. Just as well I started small!
Lawn and lawn substitutes such as ground covers
Poor old lawn can get bad-press. The fact is having a lawned or ground-covered area is much more beneficial for the planet than a decking. A small area can be hand-mowed and you can keep it small and go for some other permeable areas mentioned above, such as cobblestones and grass interspersed.
So sustainable landscaping can mean lots of options apart from the standard lawn and border planting set-up.
Don't forget the slogan: Out with the Outdoor Room and In with the Real. As Ali G would say, let's keep it real.